Attic Fan Costs Comparison Guide
Solar powered attic fans do have a great per-unit cost, but combined with the costs of installation, electricity for operation, maintenance and tax credits, solar fans are vastly more economical and affordable than non-solar attic fans. In fact replacing a typical powered fan will pay back in electric savings alone in three years.

In summary, a non-solar powered attic fan may cost more than it saves.

Solar Powered Attic Fan versus Non-Solar Attic Fan

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Breakdown

standard attic fan
Non-Solar Attic Fan (1500 CFM)
Attic Breeze Fan
Attic Breeze
Solar Fan (1875 CFM)
Solar Royal Attic Fan
Solar Royal
Solar Fan (1500 CFM)
Fan Cost $150 $750 $400
Electrician $175 $0 $0
Cost of Electricity $160 per year
($0.125 per kWh)
$0 $0
Tax Credit
(through 2021)
$0 -$225
(30% of installed cost)
(30% of installed cost)
Expected Life 4-5 years
(motors burn out)
(Lifetime Warranty Included)
(Optional Lifetime Warranty)
1 Year Cost $485 $525 $340
5 Year Cost $1125 $525 $340
10 Year Cost $1925 $525 $340
Shop Attic Breeze
Shop Solar Royal
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